I've been using a 5htp now for about 2 months. I cannot brag on this stuff enough. Every time headaches or insomnia come up in a conversation I HAVE to share the good news on this product because it has totally saved my sanity.
In February of this year my headaches and insomnia had reached an all time disgusting high. I could not stand myself. I wasn't sleeping yet I was so desperate to. I would get a daily headache and nothing, and I mean NOTHING would help. I would end up with a severely upset stomach because somehow, in the craziness of this mind of mine, I would justify taking Advil or Tylenol (too much) thinking, "maybe it will work this time..." Desperation makes you crazy.
In one of my frequent trips to the library I'd picked up an herbal remedy book. Upon researching headaches, I stumbled on 5 Htp. Aaaaaaah! I could hear angels singing! I was psyched. I was beyond psyched. I read that it not only helps with headaches, it helps with insomnia too. Sold! I went straight to Vitamin Cottage and picked some up.
I began by taking two later in the afternoon. I noticed that it made me tired. I don't like dragging through the day so I decided that I could lower the dose and take one in the afternoon and one before bed. Without getting into it too much - I found that for myself it worked for me to take two about a 1/2 hour before wanting to go to sleep. I'd try to leave myself 7-8 hours of good rest time. That was foreign in itself. My body was used to running on so much less. But - I was open. I wanted to experience life with my body fully charged. So began the journey. The 5 Htp journey. I began to sleep SO soundly and so good. It took about a week of taking them religiously every night. My headaches slowly began to disappear. I started feeling my energy levels increase. I was happy. I was fun to be around. My kids weren't asking me, "Why are you in a bad mood, Mom?" anymore. Oh, life was good!
Word of advice - do give yourself plenty of time for sleep. Make it a priority. I felt groggy trying to wake up w/ anything less than 7 hours.
Also, a word of encouragement - I never felt like it knocked me out cold. I always stayed away from prescription medicine that others would tell me about for that reason. It was a fear of mine that I'd take something to make me sleep and one of my kids would wake in the middle of night with a stomach flu or something, and mommy would be out cold and unable to perform those dark-thirty, middle of the night, essential motherly duties that God blesses us with at birth. Not to mention, I am completely opposed to prescription meds. But that's another post...
I took it for about 6 weeks straight, every evening. For the last few weeks I've been taking it here and there. I still don't experience the "bang your head on a wall" headaches that I was getting back in February. I have been sleeping better too. I never wanted it to be something I take every night for the rest of my life. And it won't be. This is why - 5 Htp is basically tryptophan. You know the stuff in turkey that makes you sleepy afterward? Well, tryptophan converts to melatonin as you sleep. In a "normal" person who sleeps soundly on their own, melatonin is produced naturally. Melatonin is then converted into seratonin. That's the happy feel good chemical in the brain that keeps our moods in check. When levels of melatonin and seratonin are normal in your body, there is no need for 5 Htp. That's why you can't become addicted. It's beautiful!
It's nice to know that if I start experiencing insomnia and headaches again, 5 Htp is just an arms reach away. For someone who experienced insomnia for so long, it's very comforting to know that there is a solution! It's the difference between good wife versus evil wife and happy mommy versus crabby mommy.
I hope this helps others. It has truly saved me, and my family.
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