Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kombucha Tea

Kombucha is an invigorating energy drink. Invigorating is the best word I can think of to describe the sensation felt after consuming it. It has been used in Asia for centuries and more recently made it's way to America where people are catching on to it's health benefits and energy giving properties. If EVER after drinking Kombucha, you feel worse than you did before you drank it, don't drink it again. However, I've never heard of this happening.

I've been intriqued with the Kombucha for some time now, but just recently began to dig deeper. Kombucha tea is brewed from a scoby, or "mushroom." No, it's not really a mushroom, it's a symbiotic culture Of bacteria and yeast (s-c-o-b-y is the acranym). It is made from a concoction of fresh black or green tea, a small part of the originally brewed tea, and the scoby itself.

If you've ever been in a health food store you've probably seen jars of Kombucha tea for sale. They come in different flavors and can range in price from $2.50 - $4.00 per 12 oz. jar. This is pretty expensive considering it's suggested serving is a daily dose. Guess what? You can make it yourself, at home, for not only a fraction of the cost, but it tastes so much better when brewed fresh.

Here is a link for a set of complete directions on how to brew your own tea at home:



  1. Thanks for stopping by. I'm now following you. Welcome to the blogger world :D

  2. Thank you! Any helpful hints would be appreciated!
