Saturday, June 11, 2011

5 htp for headaches and insomnia

I've been using a 5htp now for about 2 months. I cannot brag on this stuff enough. Every time headaches or insomnia come up in a conversation I HAVE to share the good news on this product because it has totally saved my sanity.

In February of this year my headaches and insomnia had reached an all time disgusting high. I could not stand myself. I wasn't sleeping yet I was so desperate to. I would get a daily headache and nothing, and I mean NOTHING would help. I would end up with a severely upset stomach because somehow, in the craziness of this mind of mine, I would justify taking Advil or Tylenol (too much) thinking, "maybe it will work this time..." Desperation makes you crazy.

In one of my frequent trips to the library I'd picked up an herbal remedy book. Upon researching headaches, I stumbled on 5 Htp. Aaaaaaah! I could hear angels singing! I was psyched. I was beyond psyched. I read that it not only helps with headaches, it helps with insomnia too. Sold! I went straight to Vitamin Cottage and picked some up.

I began by taking two later in the afternoon. I noticed that it made me tired. I don't like dragging through the day so I decided that I could lower the dose and take one in the afternoon and one before bed. Without getting into it too much - I found that for myself it worked for me to take two about a 1/2 hour before wanting to go to sleep. I'd try to leave myself 7-8 hours of good rest time. That was foreign in itself. My body was used to running on so much less. But - I was open. I wanted to experience life with my body fully charged. So began the journey. The 5 Htp journey. I began to sleep SO soundly and so good. It took about a week of taking them religiously every night. My headaches slowly began to disappear. I started feeling my energy levels increase. I was happy. I was fun to be around. My kids weren't asking me, "Why are you in a bad mood, Mom?" anymore. Oh, life was good!

Word of advice - do give yourself plenty of time for sleep. Make it a priority. I felt groggy trying to wake up w/ anything less than 7 hours.

Also, a word of encouragement - I never felt like it knocked me out cold. I always stayed away from prescription medicine that others would tell me about for that reason. It was a fear of mine that I'd take something to make me sleep and one of my kids would wake in the middle of night with a stomach flu or something, and mommy would be out cold and unable to perform those dark-thirty, middle of the night, essential motherly duties that God blesses us with at birth. Not to mention, I am completely opposed to prescription meds. But that's another post...

I took it for about 6 weeks straight, every evening. For the last few weeks I've been taking it here and there. I still don't experience the "bang your head on a wall" headaches that I was getting back in February. I have been sleeping better too. I never wanted it to be something I take every night for the rest of my life. And it won't be. This is why - 5 Htp is basically tryptophan. You know the stuff in turkey that makes you sleepy afterward? Well, tryptophan converts to melatonin as you sleep. In a "normal" person who sleeps soundly on their own, melatonin is produced naturally. Melatonin is then converted into seratonin. That's the happy feel good chemical in the brain that keeps our moods in check. When levels of melatonin and seratonin are normal in your body, there is no need for 5 Htp. That's why you can't become addicted. It's beautiful!

It's nice to know that if I start experiencing insomnia and headaches again, 5 Htp is just an arms reach away. For someone who experienced insomnia for so long, it's very comforting to know that there is a solution! It's the difference between good wife versus evil wife and happy mommy versus crabby mommy.

I hope this helps others. It has truly saved me, and my family.

Homemade Organic Spaghetti Sauce

I am having some gal pals over this evening and I told them that I'd make us mean pot of spaghetti. I've made so many friends this dinner and never got any complaints.

I can't tell you how many times I picked up jars of Ragu to doctor up at home for a "homemade" spaghetti dinner. Nope - not any more. Some time ago this nice guy I know (who happens to be my husband now...) taught me how to make true homemade sauce. It's so delicious and so easy. I'll tell you how we make ours and you can tweek to your liking.

You'll need:

1 85/15 Frozen turkey log by Tyson or Jennie-O
1/2 medium yellow onion
1 small green bell pepper
2 cloves garlic
3 cans Muir Glen organic tomato sauce
2 cans Muir Glen organic tomato paste
1 can Muir Glen organic diced tomatoes
oregano - tons
basil - tons
salt and pepper to taste

Begin by browning the meat. Add the onion (finely chopped) and the bell pepper (diced). As it's cooking, cover it with some salt, pepper, oregano & basil. In my opinion, you can't have too much Italian seasoning.

In a large pot, dump your cans of sauce, paste and tomatoes. Cover the top of the sauce with a layer of each oregano and basil. Don't skimp - blanket the sauce! Add the browned meat mixture and stir. Using a garlic press, add two cloves of fresh garlic to your pot. Stir. Let it bubble and cook on low. The longer, the better.

Ouila! How easy is that? I'll bet you'll never buy another jar or can of pre-made sauce again. And good for you. They are chock full of added ingredients that our bodies don't need anyway.

This recipe feeds my family of six with some left over.


Home For the Summer

It's a brand new day! The kids are out of school for the summer and I'm home with them. We've been playing in the garden, weeding the gazillion weeds in the back yard, transplanting herbs - oh it's been fun! I planted echinacea and creeping thyme. These will come in handy come cold and flu season. They are both perennials - which means they'll produce year after year. Sustainable living - I'm all over it!

Indoors, I planted basil and dill. The basil is taking off. It should be at least 6 inches tall before trying to harvest any leaves. Looks like it won't be long now. The dill on the other hand, looking a bit yellow. I packed in some coffee grounds around it yesterday. Today it is standing and looking perky - but still yellow. Is this normal for dill?

So, I watch and I wait. I'm new to this gardening and planting thing. I guess in 5 years or so I'll be an expert!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lemon Water

So - the lemon water worked for the sluggishness. I felt pretty good all day - until the evening when a headache came on. The same remedy is supposed to work on headaches too. I've not taken anything for it yet. So I'll try the lemon water again and go to sleep. I'm currently searching for natural remedies for headaches. I seem to encounter a lot these days. That's my body telling me something needs to be adjusted. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and welcomed. TTFN!

Balance your Ph Level

I'm feeling sluggish this morning. Several books I've read mention drinking a cup of warm water with the juice of 1/2 a lemon squeezed into it to balance your Ph level and gain some energy. I'm going to try it. I'll post later on whether it did anything for me.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What's in your food?

This is great! Check out: You can find out what's in most of the food items that you bring home. The words in red or orange are what I call "danger" words. You can scroll and click on them for definitions. Note: Don't read before bedtime. Some of the labels may give you nightmares!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More on milk thistle...

A while back I posted an article on brewing milk thistle tea. I'd mentioned that it came in tea bags. Some time later, in my I'm going to learn as much as I can about food and nutrition and feel great in life quest, I found out that many tea bags have aluminum in them. Great! This is not the good stuff that we should be putting into our God given vessels. Hello, food industry - aluminum? Well, better than that - I found it - the milk thistle that is - in bulk at Vitamin Cottage's Natural Grocers. Man, I love that store! Anyway... You can purchase whole seeds and brew the tea yourself at home. Use about 1 tsp of seeds per cup of water. Bring to a boil and let it do it's thing for 20 minutes or so. Strain out the seeds. Sweeten the tea w/ Agave Nectar or Honey and ouila! You have for yourself homemade, good for you, milk thistle tea.

What's the big deal on milk thistle? It is a liver cleanser and detoxifier. When our livers are clean our bodies function better and we have more energy. We all want more energy right?

Here's a hint: Mix equal parts of milk thistle tea and green tea for a knock out, free radical fighting drink. Sweeten it up a bit and serve to the family with dinner.

Defending our immune system

It's been a rotten winter this year. Everyone from Grammy to child has fallen ill with something that's left lingering effects on our immune systems. It's been frustrating since we consume an 80% organic diet and take in plenty of vitamins. Are the viral and bacterial strains out there too strong for a good immune system? I have to wonder where I've gone wrong.

I recently found out about Co Enzyme Q10. It's working wonders on one family member - so much so that I'm currently investigating whether or not I can give it to all.

It works by regenerating impaired cells. No, it doesn't build new cells - as I've heard some claim. But it does take the cells that are out of shape and repair them so that they are functioning at optimum levels.

Does anyone know more about this stuff?

Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm back! More to come...